Exploring NoSQL Databases and Cloud Computing Security Implementations


Shahida B


It is commonly known that cloud computing, with its prospective benefits, has completely changed the enterprise IT sector. Due to the advantages of worry-free hardware maintenance, many businesses and sectors are transitioning to the cloud computing era. Large businesses are still not migrating to the cloud, which is reducing the market share of cloud computing. From the standpoint of the consumer, the biggest obstacles to using the cloud for data storage are security and privacy concerns. This paper outlines the numerous restrictions relating to data security and privacy protection issues and provides a few technologies, such as Trend Micro's SecureCloudTM, which enables users to function in the cloud safely and securely. Additionally, employing NoSQL databases, personal data security on the cloud. SecureCloud, FIPS 140-2, NoSQL databases, NSA, IAM rules, Accumulo Apache, Amazon DynamoDB, MarkLogic are some of the terms in the index.As a result, cloud users can benefit from the services provided by the cloud while still having total control over their data thanks to encryption keys. The SecureCloudTM uses VM-level encryption to encrypt data in working storage, enabling the use of distinct encryption keys for each user's particular data. This lessens the possibility of recycled disk blocks being sent to other users or of a configuration error causing data privacy violations. The third is commonplace encryption. Data is encrypted using Industry Standard AES by SecureCloudTM, making it inaccessible to anybody missing the encryption keys. The ability of SecureCloudTM to encrypt data gives users advantages when switching users or terminating storage.


NoSQL database, Cloud Computing Security, Accumulo Apache, Amazon DynamoDB, MarkLogic, Big Data, Big Data Analytics

DOI : https://doi.org/10.55248/gengpi.2022.3.9.25

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