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About Us

IJRPR International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews is an international peer reviewed, open access,low cost international journal.

IJRPR aims to provide a online platform to promote excellence and advancement in the different areas of sciences, engineering and technologies, Business and many more.

Frequency: 12 Issues per year (Monthly)

Our mission is to advance research by working to develop and maintain competence, ethics and integrity and the highest professional standards in the specialty for the benefit of the public. The Faculty seeks, through its activities, to bring about an improvement in research of the public.

Authors can consider us for publication of manuscript online due to variety of reason listed below:

Transparent Submission: Authors can submit the manuscript by online paper submission system and received acknowledgement for their submission rapidly.

Fast Review Process: All manuscripts are subject to rapid peer review. Those of high quality (not previously published and not under consideration for publication in another journal) will be published without delay.IJRPR is fast track publication journal.

Paper Template: Our paper Template is Easy to use for author, and it is in single column format.

Prestigious Editorial Board: Our journals operate under the guidance of a prestigious International Editorial Board. Our Editorial Board members includes industrial consultants, Scientists and academicians.

Open Access Journals: Open access is a publishing model for scholarly communication that makes research information available to readers at no cost, as opposed to the traditional subscription model in which readers have access to scholarly information by paying a subscription. Open Access means open to anyone, anywhere to read, share and reuse.

Low publication fee journal (Great value for publication fees): Our open access publication fee is very low with our Journal. We charge author and or their project and institution for publication fee to make their article open access and freely available online permanently. Author pay less but receive quality publication with us. Like many other publishers, we do not generate revenue from our service but fees are invested in the publication process and online content management.

Call For Papers - IJRPR is international journal with low publication fee and fast publication process.IJRPR welcomes article submissions from diverse fields of Science, Engineering and Technologies and many more