• Impact Factor 6.844   • Ranking A+  •  Low Publication Fees 499 Rs         • DOI on demand of Author (Charges Apply)          • Authors helpline No: 9399163286(Whatsapp Message)       • Fast Review and Publicaton Process       •  Free E-Certificate to Each Author       •Join as Reviewer       •Plagiarism Checking Service       •Published Papers

Plagiarism Checking Service

  • IJRPR checks your works for plagiarism using the licensed plagiarism checking programme Plagiarism Checker X and reports the percentage similarity, which indicates how much of your content has been duplicated. You will be able to eliminate all types of plagiarism in your material based on the report. Thesis, Dissertation, Manuscripts and Research papers for Plagiarism checking should be sent to the Editor in Chief at [email protected].

  • A detailed plagiarism report will be provided to all clients. The report will tell you what percentage of your document has been discovered to be plagiarized. Plagiarized information will be marked to make it easier to spot. It will also provide a list of the sources from where the plagiarized information was taken.

  • We exclusively check for plagiarism in research papers, manuscripts, and articles submitted by writers, faculty, and academicians from all fields.

  • For plagiarism checking, writers / academicians should submit their research papers, manuscripts, or articles in one of the following format. .txt, .docx,.doc, .pdf,.html.

  • Checking your content and generating a plagiarism report takes 24 hours.We will send the plagiarism Report after submission of required charges


Indian Authors

350 INR

Foreign Authors

10 USD