Tool Optimization for Matrix Composite Turning using Coated and Uncoated Cutting Tools


Shahida B


Industries usually want to make a profit; this includes everything from materials to equipment to deep-cutting tools to work materials, and one product that fits the bill is metal matrix composite. Due to its low cost, metal matrix composites are increasingly being used more and more in a variety of industries, including aerospace and automotive. However, because of their anisotropic and non-homogeneous structure, as well as the high abrasiveness of their reinforcing elements, metal matrix composite materials are difficult to machine. Even so, these industries are compelled to move with MMC because damage is frequently introduced into the work piece as well as very quick wear development in the cutting tool. When milling MMC, the cutting tool is said to be the most important component. A good cutting tool that doesn't break while milling MMC will undoubtedly produce good results and find widespread application. Although cutting speed has been found to be more efficient, the wear rate of the cutting tool significantly dropped as cutting parameters like feed and depth of cut were increased. High cutting speeds caused tool inserts to break suddenly. Tool life has been greatly increased using coated carbide tools. Compared to uncoated tools, coated tools produce better outcomes. Consequently, this research highlights a crucial feature in areas like optimization and design. Using coated and uncoated tools, Minitab software is used to analyze the tool's break even point during turning operations on Metal matrix composites while comparing the graph of the material removal rate in MMC.


Tool Optimization, Cutting Tools, Matrix Composite Turning


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