Volcanic Gases Effects on Human Health; Case of Mazuku on The Population of the Goma City

BahatiRusimbuka Marcela, MuhambikwaKasiwa Françoise, Fatuma Esther, BirisawaNtamuhanga Anicet, MapendoKasiwa Hortense, Safari Habari Faustin, Ngangu Bonheur Rugain, Tumaini Sadiki Arsène


Each year in the city of Goma, cases of death are reported in the western part. These spontaneous and sudden deaths are either reported early or late to the local administrative authorities. Since the conditions of death and causes are unknown, the local administration looks to the institution that has a good and accurate idea of the effects of the gases in the region. In order to elucidate and prepare a warning system for the places (depressions) related to mazuku, we conducted investigations to document the damage of this "monstrous" gas in the city of Goma. Our investigation covered the past five years from 2015 to 2020. It appears from our investigations that during these last five years, more or less thirty eight (38) people have lost their lives in the mazuku areas. These deaths were reported to the Goma Volcano Observatory via its scientific direction. It is noted that on average 6 people die in mazuku each year. The victims of this gas are from diverse origin. The neighborhoods (quarters) of Kyeshero, Lac Vert and Mugunga are the most famous in this sense. On the spot (in the three neighborhoods), the carelessness of passers-by as well as the lack of mazuku warning signs would be at the root of these deaths.


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